As I said in my last blog I had 2 full days of activity and now it is time to recover. Friday's auction was very unorganized and a little disappointing. We arrived at the auction around 7:30AM on Friday, and walked around to visit and look at all the dogs, most appeared in decent shape and seemed fairly outgoing. There were a lot of rescue people there, but also a lot of breeders, including the Amish. In my opinion some of the Amish are the worst of the worst when it comes to breeders, I frequently get emails about them shooting their dogs, in fact recently I remember one in particular that made his own gas chamber and gassed 78 adult dogs and 15 puppies because he was being forced to treat them for various diseases. I believe this man got no more than a slap on the wrist, as usual, even though he MURDERED 93 living beings.
The prices were more than most rescue's could afford, and the Amish were paying $800/$900 for some dogs. We did have a few rescue victories, ALL of the Dalmatians went to rescue, there were 5 total, Senior Dog got 1 and the other 4 females went to a well known rescue here in St. Louis. We got a few Cocker Spaniels, only because some very generous rescue women donated money for us to be able to afford them and St. Louis Senior Dog Project was able to get the oldest dog that the breeders had, he is a 12 year old male Yorkie and yesterday was his lucky day, probably the luckiest day of his life! He will now know the way real pups are suppose to live, with a abundance of love, food and comfy beds.
On Friday we were able to save 6 from the mill life, to these 6 dogs this is remarkable but as a rescue we were disappointed that we weren't able to save more, but yesterday brought better news. I counted a total of 17 dogs that St. Louis Senior Dog Project was able to save and offer a whole new life too! So that meant that yesterday we saved 11 dogs. I am very proud of our group for withstanding these 2 long days, even though it had its fair share of disappointments we hung in there and made a difference. I'm proud of our fosters for stepping up to make room for these dogs, a lot of them didn't technically have the room, but have made the effort because they believe that these dogs deserve better.
The newest addition to the Davis pack is a little female Papillon that we have named Apple. She is 6 years old and will make a awesome baby for someone. We will be sure to do everything in our power to assure her the best life from here on out, because she deserves it! I can't even explain to you how sweet this girl is, she loves giving kisses, she sits on her rump with her front feet in the air begging you to pick her up and love her. She is going to need some dental work done, her teeth look pretty bad but we'll get her all ready and healthy for her new life, as a baby instead of a baby maker.
Today I'm trying to get the pack situated after a long couple of days and get the new addition acclimated, we are going to sit down, eat some candy and popcorn and maybe even enjoy a scary movie or two.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Going Places...
First off I wanted say, man is cold outside!!! Brrrrr, the dogs notice it too and are spending a little less time out there, a couple of them sported, sweaters, t-shirts or dresses today. Piper especially, since she is short haired she gets cold quick, she is out there for a minute and starts shivering. Tonight I'm getting prepared for a very long day tomorrow, I'm traveling with Ellen, the leader of St. Louis Senior Dog Project, to Mexico, MO for a HUGE kennel dispersal auction. They are auctioning over 800 dogs off, and rescues from all over are coming to save these precious lives from going back into the breeding system. Its so big they have to spread it out into a 2 day event. Not all but most of these dogs are older and most of them have spent their whole lives breeding, our hope is to save some of these babies, and prepare them for life as a loved pet.
A few of us are also preparing to do a Proposition B informational event on Saturday at Treats Unleashed in Chesterfield, MO from 11am-3pm. We'll have a few of our puppymill dogs there, handing out information and answering questions. We hope with this being so close to the election that we can make at least a few people aware of Proposition B and maybe it will stick in their minds when they go to vote. Oh and our mill dogs will be dressed up for Halloween! You can come out to support us, and give some love to our mill babies. Some of these mill dogs are up for adoption, maybe you'll find your new best friend also!
Technically, I don't really have room for another foster but I feel so strongly about this Mexico, MO auction that I will most likely come home with a small dog. The main reason I feel so dedicated to this auction is because I have been one that strongly supports the closing of puppymills, so if I support that action, I need to help some of these dogs get to safety in rescue. I feel its my part, if the rescue world doesn't help these innocent animals, what will become of them?? Some would go back into another mill and others, who knows.....I don't want to know but what I do know is that we need to be there for these animals after we have fought so hard to get them out of that life.
I hope you enjoyed a few pictures I took of the girls today. I won't be posting for a couple days, but I will update you on the Mexico auction as soon as possible.
A few of us are also preparing to do a Proposition B informational event on Saturday at Treats Unleashed in Chesterfield, MO from 11am-3pm. We'll have a few of our puppymill dogs there, handing out information and answering questions. We hope with this being so close to the election that we can make at least a few people aware of Proposition B and maybe it will stick in their minds when they go to vote. Oh and our mill dogs will be dressed up for Halloween! You can come out to support us, and give some love to our mill babies. Some of these mill dogs are up for adoption, maybe you'll find your new best friend also!
Technically, I don't really have room for another foster but I feel so strongly about this Mexico, MO auction that I will most likely come home with a small dog. The main reason I feel so dedicated to this auction is because I have been one that strongly supports the closing of puppymills, so if I support that action, I need to help some of these dogs get to safety in rescue. I feel its my part, if the rescue world doesn't help these innocent animals, what will become of them?? Some would go back into another mill and others, who knows.....I don't want to know but what I do know is that we need to be there for these animals after we have fought so hard to get them out of that life.
I hope you enjoyed a few pictures I took of the girls today. I won't be posting for a couple days, but I will update you on the Mexico auction as soon as possible.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Where Do My Days Go?
I wonder where my time and days go, sometimes it seems I blink my eye's and the day is gone! I really hate that winter is just around the corner, because it seems like it takes so long for spring to come back around. Last night we had a wicked storm come through, it didn't last long but it certainly blew some big limbs out of the trees, I spent some of today picking up the limbs in the back yard and the dogs helped, well I'm not sure that help is the right word for it, but they do enjoy chewing on a good stick and/or limb. Here's Piper with a toy and a leaf! All of these guys here love sticks, except Duncan I think he has figured out there are better things in life than a stick! I enjoy watching them play in the yard, I really get a kick out of watching them grab a limb that is triple their size and attempt to run around with their heads high in the air.
The other part of my day was spent cleaning the house, brushing the dogs and cleaning ears. Now if that doesn't sound like fun, I don't know what does! I did take some time to attempt to get a family picture of all the doxie's, it took up a lot of time and I still didn't manage to get all of them in one picture :( I really need a army to help me keep them all in the same place. So eventually I gave up and just took some single shots, I promise one day I will get a family doxie picture of ALL 4 girls together, but not today :) Here's the Princess Isabelle, she is feeling much better, in fact I think the antibiotics are amping her up! She has been wild acting, even for Izzy.
I haven't dressed Cashew up yet in a Halloween costume, sometimes she just likes to be by herself and usually its when I am dressing the dogs up or grooming them, she quietly sneaks off to the bedroom for some R&R. I did buy some new dresses the other day for the girls, they had them on clearance for only $4 because they are spring/summer apparel, so of course I had to snatch a few! Here's Cashew modeling one of them, I think she looks darling and she seemed to prance when I put it on her too! That would be Hazel's nose in the top of the picture, wondering why the dress wasn't on her and why I wasn't taking a picture of her! Ahh sisterly love :)
So yes I know now where my days the dogs, just as my life, and that's a good thing!
The other part of my day was spent cleaning the house, brushing the dogs and cleaning ears. Now if that doesn't sound like fun, I don't know what does! I did take some time to attempt to get a family picture of all the doxie's, it took up a lot of time and I still didn't manage to get all of them in one picture :( I really need a army to help me keep them all in the same place. So eventually I gave up and just took some single shots, I promise one day I will get a family doxie picture of ALL 4 girls together, but not today :) Here's the Princess Isabelle, she is feeling much better, in fact I think the antibiotics are amping her up! She has been wild acting, even for Izzy.
I haven't dressed Cashew up yet in a Halloween costume, sometimes she just likes to be by herself and usually its when I am dressing the dogs up or grooming them, she quietly sneaks off to the bedroom for some R&R. I did buy some new dresses the other day for the girls, they had them on clearance for only $4 because they are spring/summer apparel, so of course I had to snatch a few! Here's Cashew modeling one of them, I think she looks darling and she seemed to prance when I put it on her too! That would be Hazel's nose in the top of the picture, wondering why the dress wasn't on her and why I wasn't taking a picture of her! Ahh sisterly love :)
So yes I know now where my days the dogs, just as my life, and that's a good thing!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wiener Boo Fest
I took Hazel and Piper to the Howl O Wiener party today that was put on by the Gateway Lo-Downs social group at a place called Happy Dog Spot. It was hilarious to see all these doxie's running around in costume, I enjoyed my self and I think the 2 girls did also. There's Hazel dressed up in her pumpkin costume, she had a hat that went with it but it wouldn't stay on, every time I would get it on she would shake her head and it would fly across the room, oh well. She generally stayed close to me but every once in a while I would see her roaming around the place checking things out, her favorite was going outside and seeing the big dogs in fence next door, and as a true doxie she went over to tell them who she was and they better not mess with her HA! If those dogs were on the other side of the fence I can guarantee you she would have been wetting her self.
Piper was a social butterfly, a very hungry social butterfly lol. Every time I looked around she was either trying to jump to the human food table to grab a cookie or she was mooching off of someone that was eating. At one point she was really pestering this woman so I walked over and apologized for Piper's behavior and picked her up, I walked across the gymnasium and after a while I put her down, only to see her run across the room back to the same lady, what a mooch! Here she is dressed as a lady bug. I tried giving Piper some Dramamine before we left today because she will get car sick sometimes, well the Dramamine didn't work, there is no wonder she was hungry she lost her dinner on the way. Piper really loves kids, there was one little girl there and Piper would not leave her alone, she would follow her around and stand up to try to kiss her, or maybe the little girl had food??
My only complaint about the event was that it didn't last long enough, I could of hung out longer just watching all these wiener dogs run around! I love this breed, even though they are not for everyone, they are definitely the right breed for David and me. We love all of our babies, wieners or not!
Piper was a social butterfly, a very hungry social butterfly lol. Every time I looked around she was either trying to jump to the human food table to grab a cookie or she was mooching off of someone that was eating. At one point she was really pestering this woman so I walked over and apologized for Piper's behavior and picked her up, I walked across the gymnasium and after a while I put her down, only to see her run across the room back to the same lady, what a mooch! Here she is dressed as a lady bug. I tried giving Piper some Dramamine before we left today because she will get car sick sometimes, well the Dramamine didn't work, there is no wonder she was hungry she lost her dinner on the way. Piper really loves kids, there was one little girl there and Piper would not leave her alone, she would follow her around and stand up to try to kiss her, or maybe the little girl had food??
My only complaint about the event was that it didn't last long enough, I could of hung out longer just watching all these wiener dogs run around! I love this breed, even though they are not for everyone, they are definitely the right breed for David and me. We love all of our babies, wieners or not!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Fall and Halloween In The Air
I love this time of year, I love the weather and watching the leaves turn colors and fall. Unfortunately my sinus's don't like this time of year, the allergies wreak havoc on me. The dogs LOVE this weather also. Izzy is feeling much better, actually by the day I took her to the vet she was already feeling better, she is back to her usually crap disturbing self, which we love! You can tell in this video that she is "back in action" hehe.
I was on the waiting list to go to the Howl O Wiener party with the Gateway Lo-Downs on Sunday, and got news today that we get to attend!!! I am SO excited, I had to decide which 2 doxie's I would take and the decision was Hazel and Piper. Izzy CAN be the fun police sometimes, and I don't want her ruining the fun ;) and well I don't take Cashew to these social events because well, she isn't social with other dogs or humans. I can't wait to show you guys pictures of Hazel and Piper in their costumes, I have to say they look awful cute! I'm also excited because a few of my friends will be there with their doxie's or foster doxie's so I can have some fun also :)
I was going to take Radar to a adoption event on Sunday till I got this news. He is doing really good besides a few issues we are still trying to work on. I am actually really confused by one of his issues, once it gets dark out, he doesn't want to come in and runs from me, so once the sun goes down I have to put a long lead on him so I am able to catch him. I know it sounds weird, I would have no clue why he does this and honestly it has me stumped. He is such a character, I'm trying to catch a good video of him running around the yard with a toy in his mouth but have yet to accomplish that.....maybe tomorrow.
I was on the waiting list to go to the Howl O Wiener party with the Gateway Lo-Downs on Sunday, and got news today that we get to attend!!! I am SO excited, I had to decide which 2 doxie's I would take and the decision was Hazel and Piper. Izzy CAN be the fun police sometimes, and I don't want her ruining the fun ;) and well I don't take Cashew to these social events because well, she isn't social with other dogs or humans. I can't wait to show you guys pictures of Hazel and Piper in their costumes, I have to say they look awful cute! I'm also excited because a few of my friends will be there with their doxie's or foster doxie's so I can have some fun also :)
I was going to take Radar to a adoption event on Sunday till I got this news. He is doing really good besides a few issues we are still trying to work on. I am actually really confused by one of his issues, once it gets dark out, he doesn't want to come in and runs from me, so once the sun goes down I have to put a long lead on him so I am able to catch him. I know it sounds weird, I would have no clue why he does this and honestly it has me stumped. He is such a character, I'm trying to catch a good video of him running around the yard with a toy in his mouth but have yet to accomplish that.....maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Doctor Visit
Saturday I noticed Isabelle wasn't feeling well, at first I thought it was her belly but soon realized that the glands in her neck were swollen the right was more swollen than the left. She was eating fine, but moving slow and was having a hard time barking, it was more of a squeak instead of a bark. I started her on a antibiotic and she was much better by Saturday night and even Sunday. Monday she was not feeling well again so I called the vet to discuss and get a appointment, I also started her on Previcox, a anti inflammatory and pain reliever, by the afternoon she was feeling much better but decided to keep my appointment for today, just to make sure. I have been so upset over this, worrying about cancer or some other horrible disease, my husband says I ALWAYS think the worst. I can't help, I feel like if I expect the worst, I will be really relieved if its not really bad. Here's a picture of Izzy while we waited for the blood work to come back. After the blood work and exam the doctor is pretty certain its a infection either of the salivary glands or of the larynx, and it doesn't seem to be affecting any other lymph nodes, so they changed her to Clavamox for another 7 days and she gets the Previcox for another couple days. If there is still a problem by next week she'll need to have a biopsy done on the lymph nodes, but I am very hopefully that it is a infection that will clear up. PHEW what a relief!
Most of the time I think I am my worst enemy, I worry almost obsessively when one of my babies aren't feeling well, and I generally cry a lot, I can't help it, they are my kids and I want them with me as long as possible. David thinks I am a flake, he doesn't worry usually unless its warranted, I really wish I could be that way sometimes.
There has been some other happenings in the Davis household, Radar played a game last night, and it wasn't a fun one, well not for me anyways. I took all the dogs out last night for potty breaks around 9pm, and Radar decided he wasn't coming in. Unfortunately I don't keep a leash on him anymore because I haven't had any problems with him coming in on his own, till last night. I had also already taken a sleeping pill, in hopes of getting some real rest last night, HA! He played this game ALL night long, which means I was up and down all night trying to get him to come in, chasing him around the yard, trying to lure him in with goodies, none of it worked till around 6am, he decided he had enough and he would come in. I have no idea what got into him but have decided he won't go out at night again unless he has a leash on him, he acted like it was a game, wagging his tail, running around the yard, he would stand on the steps wagging his tail and looking around like, I dare ya try to catch me. Oh life is never boring in the Davis household!
The first post I did of this blog, some readers couldn't read it, if you can read it will you please leave me a comment :)
Most of the time I think I am my worst enemy, I worry almost obsessively when one of my babies aren't feeling well, and I generally cry a lot, I can't help it, they are my kids and I want them with me as long as possible. David thinks I am a flake, he doesn't worry usually unless its warranted, I really wish I could be that way sometimes.
There has been some other happenings in the Davis household, Radar played a game last night, and it wasn't a fun one, well not for me anyways. I took all the dogs out last night for potty breaks around 9pm, and Radar decided he wasn't coming in. Unfortunately I don't keep a leash on him anymore because I haven't had any problems with him coming in on his own, till last night. I had also already taken a sleeping pill, in hopes of getting some real rest last night, HA! He played this game ALL night long, which means I was up and down all night trying to get him to come in, chasing him around the yard, trying to lure him in with goodies, none of it worked till around 6am, he decided he had enough and he would come in. I have no idea what got into him but have decided he won't go out at night again unless he has a leash on him, he acted like it was a game, wagging his tail, running around the yard, he would stand on the steps wagging his tail and looking around like, I dare ya try to catch me. Oh life is never boring in the Davis household!
The first post I did of this blog, some readers couldn't read it, if you can read it will you please leave me a comment :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Yesterday I stopped by a event in Hillsboro, MO held by Canines In Crisis Inc. to drop off some baked goods, they were having a adoption event and bake sale to benefit a dog they took from JCAC, named Jack. He is a middle aged shepherd mix that had to have his back leg amputated, the vets think this is a very old injury, poor Jack has been suffering for a long time but now is off to a better life, he is still recovering from his surgery but I just know Jack is going to soon feel better than he has in a very long time. It makes you wonder Why? Why was Jack never treated for this injury? He must have belonged to someone. Speedy recovery Jack, you have a lot of people who love you and are pulling for ya!
After I left that event I drove over with Piper and Radar to 4 Muddy Paws, where our group was having an adoption event. I didn't stay long but it was very relaxing just the little while I was there, I really enjoyed it. They have a nice patio, where the people can sit around and talk and the dogs can run and play freely. Piper seemed to enjoy just walking around sniffing the new area and meeting some new friends. Four Muddy Paws is a kinda one stop shop for pets, they have self grooming, supplies, etc. They have 2 locations, one is located in Lafayette Square in the city and we have have a location here in Edwardsville, IL.
We have so many great dogs in our group, some that I'm not really sure why they haven't found a home of their own yet. Here is one of those great dogs, CoCo, he is very friendly and handsome. We were told he was 10 years old when he was dumped in the shelter by his so called owners but this boy acts and looks like he's only 4 or 5 years old. He is a Pomeranian that has so much love to give and you can bet he will be your best friend. He's house trained, has manners and is good with other dogs. Oh and did I mention he has a lot of love to give :) ???
Here is another one of those dogs, Natsumi, she is a beautiful Cockapoo, that has some vision problems but that doesn't stop her one bit! She needs drops in her eye's a couple times a day and requires a home with out steps but she is also very friendly and has lots of love to give. She is a middle aged girl who was turned into the shelter also. Here's another bonus with Natsumi, she doesn't shed!!
Then there is Summer, a beautiful long haired standard doxie that is overweight, she weighs 44lbs, when she should be 25lbs. How a dog gets that grossly overweight I'll never know. She is really sweet and of course beautiful! She was found roaming in the park, most likely dumped. Summer is friendly with other dogs, house trained and loves to give kisses! She needs to stay on a strict diet with exercise incorporated into her routine. I didn't get any pictures of Radar yesterday, he was too busy hiding behind my chair! Overall he done pretty well though, we just need to continue with the socializing. He is having some issues with separation anxiety right now, we are trying to desensitize him by leaving for short periods and returning, it seemed to work for a little while but lately he has been pooping in his crate, whether we are gone 15 minutes or 2 hours. I'm not just talking about pooping in it, he must be having such a fit that there is never any turds left in it, its nothing but poop prints and smears all over the crate and him, lets just say he's had to have a bath 3 times in the past week. UGH
After I left that event I drove over with Piper and Radar to 4 Muddy Paws, where our group was having an adoption event. I didn't stay long but it was very relaxing just the little while I was there, I really enjoyed it. They have a nice patio, where the people can sit around and talk and the dogs can run and play freely. Piper seemed to enjoy just walking around sniffing the new area and meeting some new friends. Four Muddy Paws is a kinda one stop shop for pets, they have self grooming, supplies, etc. They have 2 locations, one is located in Lafayette Square in the city and we have have a location here in Edwardsville, IL.
We have so many great dogs in our group, some that I'm not really sure why they haven't found a home of their own yet. Here is one of those great dogs, CoCo, he is very friendly and handsome. We were told he was 10 years old when he was dumped in the shelter by his so called owners but this boy acts and looks like he's only 4 or 5 years old. He is a Pomeranian that has so much love to give and you can bet he will be your best friend. He's house trained, has manners and is good with other dogs. Oh and did I mention he has a lot of love to give :) ???
Here is another one of those dogs, Natsumi, she is a beautiful Cockapoo, that has some vision problems but that doesn't stop her one bit! She needs drops in her eye's a couple times a day and requires a home with out steps but she is also very friendly and has lots of love to give. She is a middle aged girl who was turned into the shelter also. Here's another bonus with Natsumi, she doesn't shed!!
Then there is Summer, a beautiful long haired standard doxie that is overweight, she weighs 44lbs, when she should be 25lbs. How a dog gets that grossly overweight I'll never know. She is really sweet and of course beautiful! She was found roaming in the park, most likely dumped. Summer is friendly with other dogs, house trained and loves to give kisses! She needs to stay on a strict diet with exercise incorporated into her routine. I didn't get any pictures of Radar yesterday, he was too busy hiding behind my chair! Overall he done pretty well though, we just need to continue with the socializing. He is having some issues with separation anxiety right now, we are trying to desensitize him by leaving for short periods and returning, it seemed to work for a little while but lately he has been pooping in his crate, whether we are gone 15 minutes or 2 hours. I'm not just talking about pooping in it, he must be having such a fit that there is never any turds left in it, its nothing but poop prints and smears all over the crate and him, lets just say he's had to have a bath 3 times in the past week. UGH
Friday, October 15, 2010
Lets Make A Difference
Today I am participating in the Be The Change blog hop, hopefully I can get this written and published by the deadline :) This is the first chance I've had to sit down and do what I intended to do today, the pups are settled in so now is my chance. I wanted to talk about a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, puppy mills and the hope for a new and better life for these innocent animals. I live in the state of Illinois but I foster for a rescue group in Missouri. As I am sure most of you know Missouri is the puppy mill capital of the world, a staggering 3,000 mills are located in Missouri. This election there is hope for these innocent dogs that have been locked up their whole lives, its called Proposition B. Proposition B requires these mills to downsize to 50 breeding dogs, so that proper care can be given to these helpless animals. It will also require they get basic care, cages that are big enough, rest between breeding cycles, adequate food, water, vet care etc. Now I ask you does that sounds like its to much to ask? 50 breeding dogs is more than enough to care for, if its done properly, adequate food and water? Now don't they all deserve that? Well the opposition doesn't think so, they think its too much to ask that these beautiful creatures get this basic care. If you live in Missouri, I urge you to vote YES on Proposition B, if you live in another state, maybe you have a relative or friend that lives in Missouri, whatever your situation is please spread the word about Proposition B and urge people to Vote YES.
I have fostered a few of these poor animals that have been saved from Missouri puppy mills, its not pretty, in fact its pretty horrifying. To see a dog that doesn't know what grass feels like under their feet, to not know what a soft bed, good food, and clean water is like is criminal. Most of these dogs live in a cage from the time they are born, day in and day out, are barely fed in filthy bowls, drink filthy water and walk and lay in their own feces. Its time for us as humans to stand up and say we are not going to tolerate seeing OUR precious animals live like this, because I believe it is us as human beings job to take care of the innocent and helpless, animals and children. Some of these dogs never see anything outside of the mill life, but some, very few get lucky, they get rescued and learn what life is all about. Lets make the difference in these animals life, Vote YES on Prop B.
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I have fostered a few of these poor animals that have been saved from Missouri puppy mills, its not pretty, in fact its pretty horrifying. To see a dog that doesn't know what grass feels like under their feet, to not know what a soft bed, good food, and clean water is like is criminal. Most of these dogs live in a cage from the time they are born, day in and day out, are barely fed in filthy bowls, drink filthy water and walk and lay in their own feces. Its time for us as humans to stand up and say we are not going to tolerate seeing OUR precious animals live like this, because I believe it is us as human beings job to take care of the innocent and helpless, animals and children. Some of these dogs never see anything outside of the mill life, but some, very few get lucky, they get rescued and learn what life is all about. Lets make the difference in these animals life, Vote YES on Prop B.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Yappy Halloweenie
Today I just wanted to share a few pictures of the dogs dressed up for Halloween. This is the epitome of a miserable dog because of a costume, she looks totally disgusted with me! That my Izzy girl.
Then there's the " I am WAY to smart for this kinda crap" look. Poor Duncan, he is always putting up with me dressing him up and he hates it. He does like to wear bandanna's and one particular sweater in the winter time but besides that he prefers to sit back and watch the rest of them make a fool out of themselves.
Hazel doesn't care what I do to her or put on her, she thinks, sorry, knows she is the best thing since sliced bread. She is the sweetest, most mild mannered dog I have ever been around. That's my angel.
Then we have the goof ball Piper, she is a riot, she thought at first it was toy, then she realized I was going to put it on her and she wanted to run. Doesn't she look thrilled?!?!
Radar was not so thrilled about it, but it really wasn't the costume, he is scared of the camera, he thinks it is going to steal his soul or something.
And well Cashew decided to sit this one out, she has been extra moody today, so today we are calling her crabby patty!
Then there's the " I am WAY to smart for this kinda crap" look. Poor Duncan, he is always putting up with me dressing him up and he hates it. He does like to wear bandanna's and one particular sweater in the winter time but besides that he prefers to sit back and watch the rest of them make a fool out of themselves.
Hazel doesn't care what I do to her or put on her, she thinks, sorry, knows she is the best thing since sliced bread. She is the sweetest, most mild mannered dog I have ever been around. That's my angel.
Then we have the goof ball Piper, she is a riot, she thought at first it was toy, then she realized I was going to put it on her and she wanted to run. Doesn't she look thrilled?!?!
Radar was not so thrilled about it, but it really wasn't the costume, he is scared of the camera, he thinks it is going to steal his soul or something.
And well Cashew decided to sit this one out, she has been extra moody today, so today we are calling her crabby patty!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Its Been A Loud Day...
I first wanted to take a minute to officially congratulate my brother and his fiance on their engagement, since they just got their engagement pictures done. They are a great couple and they compliment each other wonderfully. I know they are looking forward to their life together and we are looking forward to officially welcoming Kristi into our family. I personally feel very lucky to have a soon to be sister in law that has become a great friend to me. Congratulations Corey and Kristi! Oh and great picture Copper head :)
There is something to this cooler weather that gets the dogs all fired up! Today they have been almost non stop playing which is both entertaining and LOUD! If you have ever heard a bunch of doxie's playing you know what I'm talking about, they almost sound like pigs, its funny to hear them root and talk to one another. In this picture Izzy and Duncan are playing tug o war, for a brief time Izzy was being pulled around in the bed. Izzy gets upset if Duncan plays with any of the others, she will bark her head off at them till Duncan comes over to play with her, she loves her brother and they have formed a VERY strong bond together. He tries to be a tough guy with her but always gives in to what ever she wants. She not only has US wrapped around her little paw but also the other dogs! Just to give you a idea of how loud a house full of doxie's can be, I took this video, be sure to turn your sound up so you can hear the crazies :)
I took down Radar's x pen the other day and he is doing fine without it. We are working on getting him to come around to David, he is still very fearful of him, so everyday we have him sit on Davids lap for a period of time. I really hope he comes around to him, my poor husband, somehow we always end up with dogs that are fearful of men, I think it really hurts his feelings. If Radar only knew that David would be his best friend, it seems he is always the one that shares his food with the dogs, especially the foster babies :)
There is something to this cooler weather that gets the dogs all fired up! Today they have been almost non stop playing which is both entertaining and LOUD! If you have ever heard a bunch of doxie's playing you know what I'm talking about, they almost sound like pigs, its funny to hear them root and talk to one another. In this picture Izzy and Duncan are playing tug o war, for a brief time Izzy was being pulled around in the bed. Izzy gets upset if Duncan plays with any of the others, she will bark her head off at them till Duncan comes over to play with her, she loves her brother and they have formed a VERY strong bond together. He tries to be a tough guy with her but always gives in to what ever she wants. She not only has US wrapped around her little paw but also the other dogs! Just to give you a idea of how loud a house full of doxie's can be, I took this video, be sure to turn your sound up so you can hear the crazies :)
I took down Radar's x pen the other day and he is doing fine without it. We are working on getting him to come around to David, he is still very fearful of him, so everyday we have him sit on Davids lap for a period of time. I really hope he comes around to him, my poor husband, somehow we always end up with dogs that are fearful of men, I think it really hurts his feelings. If Radar only knew that David would be his best friend, it seems he is always the one that shares his food with the dogs, especially the foster babies :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Adoption Event Yesterday
Yesterday we had a decent adoption event, there were a few adoptions and unfortunately a few returns but why I think it was a good event was because Radar did very well. We only stayed a couple hours but he did really well and I think the next event he attends he will be able to with stand the whole event. Thanks Kim for sending me these pics of Radar :) He does much better on the days I take him out and about, he of course has his moments of uncertainty but usually it resolves fairly quick and once we get home he is more loving and social. He gets a whole lot of attention at adoption events, so my hopes are once he is really ready to be adopted it won't take him long. My husband still hasn't managed to get through to him yet, but hopefully it will come as everything else does, with time. I have a feeling he has had a bad experience with men and is slow to trust them.
I think we are making some progress with house training also, I don't want to jinx it but he has had NO accidents in 2 days and has mastered coming in the house all on his own. We need to work on getting him to go out on his own, if I pick him up and sit him on the top steps going out the door he will go down the steps to outside but he won't approach it on his own. Today I am finishing up dog baths and taking down the xpen, another adjustment for him but he needs a break up in his routine, he is VERY routine orientated as most dogs are but Radar relies on it more than most. Here is a video of him taking a treat from me in the kitchen, sorry for the bad video but I have to focus on him more than what I am doing with the camera, he is still afraid of the camera. Oh and excuse my moochy dogs :)
I think we are making some progress with house training also, I don't want to jinx it but he has had NO accidents in 2 days and has mastered coming in the house all on his own. We need to work on getting him to go out on his own, if I pick him up and sit him on the top steps going out the door he will go down the steps to outside but he won't approach it on his own. Today I am finishing up dog baths and taking down the xpen, another adjustment for him but he needs a break up in his routine, he is VERY routine orientated as most dogs are but Radar relies on it more than most. Here is a video of him taking a treat from me in the kitchen, sorry for the bad video but I have to focus on him more than what I am doing with the camera, he is still afraid of the camera. Oh and excuse my moochy dogs :)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Food Is A Amazing Thing!
I've pretty much just been hanging out today, still not feeling 100% but I am feeling better than yesterday. My dogs are such mooches, some are worse than others but really they are all mooch butts. Check this picture out, can you tell I had food? On a normal basis they would all be doing their own thing not giving a hoot about where I was but mom had food which makes me the center of their world, well until the food is gone anyways :)
Speaking of food you are NEVER going to believe this, Radar took a treat out of my hand today!!! Honestly it was a HUGE break through and I wanted to yell and scream to anyone who could hear me, its amazing the small things that get me through the day, well its a small thing to most people but for Radar and me this is ginormous! He had no idea how to do it and ended up putting most of my fingers in his mouth but he did and he was gentle!! What more could I ask for??? He'll be going to Petco tomorrow for a couple hours, just to continue with his socialization and get some exposure. I have had a couple of inquiry's on him already but still feel he needs a little more time to adjust, sometime this weekend I will be taking the x pen down, which is his "safe haven" he will still have his crate and his bed but its time to put the x pen away, he's getting to be a big boy now HA!
Speaking of food you are NEVER going to believe this, Radar took a treat out of my hand today!!! Honestly it was a HUGE break through and I wanted to yell and scream to anyone who could hear me, its amazing the small things that get me through the day, well its a small thing to most people but for Radar and me this is ginormous! He had no idea how to do it and ended up putting most of my fingers in his mouth but he did and he was gentle!! What more could I ask for??? He'll be going to Petco tomorrow for a couple hours, just to continue with his socialization and get some exposure. I have had a couple of inquiry's on him already but still feel he needs a little more time to adjust, sometime this weekend I will be taking the x pen down, which is his "safe haven" he will still have his crate and his bed but its time to put the x pen away, he's getting to be a big boy now HA!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Well Piper's picture did not end up in the top 10 for the Shelter Fan Photo Contest, so I am disappointed but as the saying goes life goes on right? I'm not feeling well today, I think I might be getting the flu, stomach is not good and my head is pounding so this post is going to be short.
I done a lot of baking yesterday for the bake sale the group had today for the employee's at Maritz's, I was unable to attend but thought the least I could do was bake some stuff. It sounds like it was a successful event with lots of money raised for our doggie's and at least 1 adoption. 1 is certainly better than none. Till next time.
I done a lot of baking yesterday for the bake sale the group had today for the employee's at Maritz's, I was unable to attend but thought the least I could do was bake some stuff. It sounds like it was a successful event with lots of money raised for our doggie's and at least 1 adoption. 1 is certainly better than none. Till next time.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The Day Before....
I am anxious for tomorrow, I entered the Shelter Fan Photo Contest a couple of weeks ago and tomorrow the top 10 finalists will be announced. I am praying Piper's picture lands us somewhere in the top 10, I know its a stretch since there are TONS of people that entered but I can hope right? This is the picture I entered. Once the top ten are announced, they are guaranteed a $25 gift certificate to the Animal Rescue Site. I can always find something on that site I can't live without :)
I of course want the #1 spot, which will be determined by the fans votes SO if I get in the top 10 I will be pleading like crazy for you and everyone you know to vote for Piper because the #1 spot gets $2000 donated to the rescue of their choice, of course I chose St. Louis Senior Dog Project. I will be disappointed if I don't at least get in the top 10, I mean really how much cuter can you get? Well of course I am a little bias, she's my baby :) I'm also preparing to do some baking tomorrow for a bake sale the group is having on Thursday.
I of course want the #1 spot, which will be determined by the fans votes SO if I get in the top 10 I will be pleading like crazy for you and everyone you know to vote for Piper because the #1 spot gets $2000 donated to the rescue of their choice, of course I chose St. Louis Senior Dog Project. I will be disappointed if I don't at least get in the top 10, I mean really how much cuter can you get? Well of course I am a little bias, she's my baby :) I'm also preparing to do some baking tomorrow for a bake sale the group is having on Thursday.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Big Day For Radar

Once we got home he was SOO happy to be home he was actually jumping on me in excitement. You would have thought that today's events would have been enough to wear him out, well not really. We did have a nice nap earlier, but him and Piper have been pretty much non stop playing the rest of the time. This picture just cracks me up looking at it, Piper's eye's look like she is saying WTH? These 2 wear me out just watching them, I think Piper could out play even the most hyper dog. She is like the energizer bunny, keeps going and going.
So the end result today is Radar has come even farther than what he was yesterday. Its a shame that these animals even need rehab like this, it shouldn't happen, they should be socialized and cared for from day one. For as little time as we spent at Petco he certainly got a lot of attention from lookers, I know when he is ready to be adopted it won't take long. He is now crashed with his monkey toy. Night night little Radar, tomorrow will be even better.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ahh Progress.....
Today little Radar has made some progress, he is really started to enjoy human touch and will approach me frequently. Its so nice to see these guys as they progress and blossom. Tomorrow he goes for his first car ride since coming here, he is visiting the vet to finish all his vetting. Hopefully the ride won't be too stressful for him, however I do expect a little stress. He is starting to actually get semi comfortable on my lap also.
Here is a video I took today of him playing with Piper, he has played with Hazel and Duncan also. He is really starting to trust the dogs and understand they aren't going to hurt him. I am hopeful that this little guy will be actually ready for a new home in a couple of weeks, but he'll get as long as he needs here. He is doing fairly well on housebreaking but seems to have some anxiety when being left alone in his crate and will go to the bathroom then, hopefully with time he will learn that he doesn't have to do this, we will ALWAYS come back.
Here is a video I took today of him playing with Piper, he has played with Hazel and Duncan also. He is really starting to trust the dogs and understand they aren't going to hurt him. I am hopeful that this little guy will be actually ready for a new home in a couple of weeks, but he'll get as long as he needs here. He is doing fairly well on housebreaking but seems to have some anxiety when being left alone in his crate and will go to the bathroom then, hopefully with time he will learn that he doesn't have to do this, we will ALWAYS come back.
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