Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wilby And Getting Old.

I got a update from Diana the other day, she is the one that adopted Marco Polo now Wilby. Marco is the mentally challenged Chihuahua that came from a puppymill. As you can see Wilby is doing great and mom says he likes to sit next to her on the sofa while watching TV. He and Whinnie (his canine companion) greet her at the door everyday when she comes home from work. She is still having a few issue's with Wilby but all in all she says things are great. Diana said the other day he drug his huge bag of dog food across the floor, that sounds like something Wilby would do. He loved to snatch things, like socks or cloths around here, if it was on the floor he would steal it and take it back to his bed. The weird part was he wouldn't chew on it he just wanted it with him. Just so grateful there are still people in the world like Diana that understand not all these babies can be or will be "the perfect dog" but excepts them for what they are.

I have come to the realization that my Duncan boy is getting old, today he is better than he has been but when he messed that hip up it really done a number on him. Part of the problem is one day he feels a little better and starts running around and before we know it he is laid up again. The last couple days we have made him stay quiet and today he is doing much better. I think the worst part about watching them get older is in their minds they don't know that their getting old, they still want to be able to do everything they used to but their bodies are getting worn out. Most people don't even realize that Duncan is close to 10 years old, and really I have to agree he doesn't look like he is 10 years old, he really only looks about 5 years old. Getting old sucks, doesn't matter if your human or animal. Duncan is dog that loves life, it doesn't take much to make him happy just being with his favorite people makes him wiggle his butt. I love my boy and always will, hopefully he will stay on the road to recovery.


  1. I prescribe lots of naps for you and Duncan! I think you both need it. What a pretty boy he is.

  2. I love that prescription!! I will definitely adhere to that :)
