I see a lot of people that have excuses of why they can't help save animals but honestly no matter what, everyone can make a difference in a animals life. I used to be naive in thinking that if I loved my animals that was all that mattered, and really I never thought about all the animals out there that were loosing their lives either in shelters, on the streets, or by cruel humans. It wasn't till the day I come across a ad on Craigslist, that I thought, Hmm maybe I can do this?!? It was a ad looking for a foster to take in a dog from a local animal control facility, that if he wasn't saved he would be euthanized. I talked it over with my husband, and we decided we would give it a try. Well I found out that dog had already been saved but there were plenty more that needed help, so I looked on the board and found a dog that I couldn't take my eye's off of, this is the picture of that dog, we named him Tug . He long ago found his forever home, but he was the start of a new journey for me. Actually Tug reminded me of a dog that I had fallen in love with a long, long time ago. My parents took me to the local Humane Society so we could adopt a dog, I fell in love with a German Shepherd mix that had a bandage on his leg, we were told he was on hold till the next week but they would put our name on him. Well they didn't put our name on him and he was adopted to someone else, or at least that is what we were told. I was heartbroken, I had spent some time with that dog and to this day that dog has a piece a of my heart! So my journey in fostering started about 2 years ago, but I have always had animals, cats, dogs, chickens, even a horse. Everything I know I have learned from the animals themselves, they can teach you more than you could imagine if you only take the time to pay attention and listen.
Some of the excuses I hear from people "My resident animals won't except a new animal" or "I don't have time" or "I don't have the finances". If you can't take a animal home to foster, there are other things you can do, you could be a non fostering volunteer for a rescue group, these are needed, rescue groups need help in organizing fundraisers, coming to adoption events to help walk the dogs, or maybe just sit and hold a scared puppy. If you can spare 1 hour out of your day, maybe even less, you can still make a difference. Volunteer with your local Humane Society, APA or pound, go in for a hour or less a week and walk a dog or 2. A lot of these dogs have never received love, or a kind word. I have always heard and I hope its true, a dog lives in the moment, which means if you are giving them love, treats and kindness, they are living in that moment and forgetting about their past and the current situation they are in. I can't stress enough how important it is to these animals that while they are in a "pound" situation, they receive love and a gentle touch, for that one animal it makes ALL the difference. You don't have to financially support your foster dog, rescue's pay for all their medical needs, and most will supply you with food, bowls, crates etc. and even some can help get your foster animal to vet appointments or adoption events.
I have a solution to all the excuses LOL but it comes down to how much you care and if you truly WANT to help. Animals and their rights to humane treatment are very near and dear to my heart, they all deserve love, food and happiness. I want to share a quote that explains my take on animals, and why they are so special to me.
"There are, I know, people who do not love animals, but I think this is because they do not understand them - or because, indeed, they do not really see them. For me, animals have always been a special part of the wonder of nature - the smallest as well as the largest - with their amazing variety, their beautifully contrived shapes and fascinating habits. I am captivated by the spirit of them. I find in them a longing to communicate and a real capacity for love. If sometimes they do not trust but fear man, it is because he has treated them with arrogance and insensitivity." -Pablo Casals
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